Main Qualities to Prioritise When Selecting Commercial Access Control Locks

If you are deliberating on upgrading the locks on your commercial property, you may be contemplating the installation of access control systems. Access control locks have become one of the top options that people lean toward, mainly if they are looking for technologically advanced locking systems that will offer more benefits than standard traditional locks.

Nonetheless, just knowing that you want an access control system does not mean you pick the first or the cheapest options that you come across. Instead, you need to identify the principal qualities that you want from your access control system so that your choice will effortlessly meet your needs. The article below outlines three of the main attributes that you should prioritise when selecting a commercial access control locking system.

Physical control of the lock

The great thing about access control systems is that there is a host of features you can opt to have incorporated into your locking system, depending on the degree of physical control you want over the device. A few of the different types of features that you can include to restrict access to your locking system include biometrics, motion detection, an alarm system and so on.

Furthermore, if you are installing an access control system at multiple parts of your commercial property, you could always choose specific types of physical control for certain areas. For example, if you want to be alerted about a security breach at an unauthorised area, an alarm system will be an excellent measure to enhance physical control of the lock.

Logical control of the lock

If you are looking to reduce the risk of break-ins in your property, you could be leaning towards access control systems since they cannot be compromised through brute force. Nevertheless, simply because breaking the access control locks will not work does not mean that burglars do not have other measures of trying to gain entry into your premises. As lock systems have advanced in technology, so have the techniques employed by intruders.

A typical way of gaining access into your property will be through hacking the system's lock. Therefore, once you choose to install an access control system, you also have to consider the logical control of the system too. Some of the ways that you can enhance your logical control over your access control locking system are through the installation of antivirus software, the use of smart cards, the setting up of firewalls and so on.
